- Feb 15, 2022
- ImprovedValue modifiers setting – automatically handle encoded characters (e.g. “&”)
- ImprovedfSelect – cleaned up styling, removed troublesome “!important” CSS properties
- FixedWooCommerce – translation support for static strings (On Sale, In Stock, etc)
- Fixedauto-ignore the “GDPR Cookie Consent” plugin’s post type
- Feb 1, 2022
- FixedIgnore WP 5.9 internal post types (wp_global_styles, etc)
- FixedDropdown – only indent choices when “Hierarchical” setting is enabled
- FixedUser selections – choices for inherited UI types not displaying correctly
- Jan 12, 2022
- FixedfSelect counts duplicating during paging
- Dec 30, 2021
- Newadded UI setting to toggle accessibility features
- Improvedcheckboxes – auto-expand if a checkbox within an overflow is selected
- Improvedlayout builder – HTML items automatically parse shortcodes
- Improvedlayout builder – added “is-empty” CSS class for empty items
- ImprovedfSelect – replaced CSS class “hidden” with “fs-hidden” to prevent conflicts
- Improveda11y – added `aria-label` attribute to sort facets
- Improveda11y – added `aria-current` attribute to the pager’s current page
- Improveda11y – better support for checkbox facets
- Improveda11y – automatically exclude ghost choices from ARIA
- Fixedhandle edge case of `parse_url()` returning false
- Fixeddoc links
- Dec 2, 2021
- Newadded `facetwp_facet_autocomplete_limit` hook to control max results
- Newadded “Comment count” as a sort option (layout builder and sort facets)
- Improvedmoved some layout builder CSS into `front.css` for easier overriding
- Improvedbetter instruction text for the query builder’s “value” box
- Improvedcheckbox facets – show the “Soft limit” setting only when “Hierarchial” is off
- Fixedproximity facet “Source other” setting (props Jenny)
- Nov 2, 2021
- FixedPHP “null coalescing operator” error for sites running PHP 5
- FixedPHP “undefined index” warning for the sort facet
- Oct 19, 2021
- ImportantSome deprecated JS method names have been removed
- Newsort facets! Create your own sort boxes from within the admin UI
- Newinheritable facets! Facet types can now inherit the UI from other facet types. Range List is the first add-on to incorporate this feature, letting you choose whether to display a dropdown, checkboxes, radio, etc.
- Newfacet field registration (more info coming in 4.0)
- Improvedsmarter “re-index” notifier, now ignores non-indexable facets (search, pager, etc)
- Improvedsimplified the internal `get_svg` method
- Improvedremoved unnecessary Vue dependencies, updated libs
- Improvedtweaked admin UI font sizes, other styles
- Improvedupdated admin labels and tooltips for more clarity
- Improvedhide the data source “ACF” header if no ACF fields exist
- Improvedsearch facet – set autocomplete = “off”
- FixedfUtil – return empty results when the selector is an empty string (jQuery parity)
- Updatedtranslations
- Sept 17, 2021
- ImprovedSearchWP – faster speed by loading only necessary data (props Remco)
- ImprovedSearchWP – support additional args passed into SWP_Query (post_type, post_status, meta_query, etc)
- ImprovedA11y – added ARIA support for fSelect facets
- ImprovedLayout builder – add row count class (r1, r2, etc) to the `.fwpl-result` element
- FixedfUtil – `.prev`, `.next`, `.find` and `closest` methods now support multiple selectors
- Fixedthe above fUtil change fixes previously-broken Conditional Logic actions
- August 30, 2021
- Improvedsmarter slider range (now dynamically adjusts even with selected values)
- Fixedslider pageload quirks (more info)
- UpdatednoUiSlider
- August 20, 2021
- FixedWooCommerce – some choices weren’t showing for variation-based facets in “OR” mode
- August 9, 2021
- Improveduse wp_date() instead of DateTime->format() for i18n
- Improved3 new pager “Result counts” tags: [page], [per_page] and [total_pages]
- Improvedprevent pager / per page / sort values from getting stored in `FWP.facets` JS object
- July 9, 2021
- Fixedmove indexing to `init:1000` to allow sufficient time for post type / taxonomy registration
- Fixedradio facets – force in “OR” mode (props Kari S.)
- Fixeddate picker – edge case offset issue (props Lucas T.)
- FixedMS Edge requires JS `catch(err)` instead of `catch` (props George H.)
- UpdatedNorwegian translations (props Johan F.)
- June 29, 2021
- Improvedremoved need for `float: right` CSS on Star Rating facets
- Improvedindexer – ensure that `post_author` user exists
- Improvedfetch API – include `term_id` in the response
- May 25, 2021
- Fixedissue caused from 3.8.5 script versioning change
- May 24, 2021
- New`facetwp_facet_display_value` hook (to customize choice labels)
- New`facetwp_facet_hierarchy_arrow` (to customize the “Back” arrow)
- New`get_terms` helper method to bypass 3rd party hooks (*ahem* WPML)
- Improvedredesigned the admin status bar, other design tweaks
- Improvedsupport versioning of add-on scripts (to bust browser cache)
- ImprovedAutocomplete – translatable UI strings
- FixedPHP8 “optional before required parameters” deprecation notice
- May 6, 2021
- Improved`$params[‘place_details’]` is now available when indexing ACF Google Map fields
- ImprovedA11y – support Hierarchy fields
- ImprovedSlider facet – the “Compare type” UI setting is now always available
- FixedAutocomplete facet – timing issues with some CSS-based templates
- FixedGutenberg (10.5.0) – ignore the `wp_template` post type
- April 22, 2021
- Improvedmore tooltip info for the slider facet’s “Format” setting
- Fixedfully reset the indexer when purging the index table
- FixedDropdown – restore support for jQuery-based enhancement libs (select2, chosen, etc)
- FixedPHP notice caused by the “load_jquery” setting
- Fixedupdated vue-select.js to resolve scrolling issues
- April 6, 2021
- ImprovedfUtil.js – enable event bubbling by default
- ImprovedfComplete.js – automatically close after selection
- ImprovedAPI – fetch method accepts “application/json” (docs updated)
- Improveduse jQuery if available for document.ready, sort, and per-page boxes (back compat)
- Improvedcache FWP_Helper->get_term_depths()
- ImprovedfSelect.js – trigger native JS “change” event
- FixedfSelect.js – preserve existing class names
- FixedfSelect.js – restore “fs-open” class when open
- Fixedrestored “Go” button for autocomplete facets
- FixedJS error for “user selections” when no results
- FixedJS error within accessibility.js
- Updatedpackage.json
- March 19, 2021
- Fixedbetter JSON error handling (due to 3rd party output buffering issues)
- Fixedbetter support for 3rd party caching and script deferring (i.e. Autoptimize)
- Fixedrestored the `facetwp/ajax_settings` JS hook
- Fixedchanged `init` hook priority from 10 to 20, some post types (i.e. Pods) were not indexing
- Fixedload more button
- Fixedhierarchical checkbox “expand” buttons
- March 16, 2021
- Important3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
- Newremoved jQuery dependency from FacetWP core
- NewfUtil helper JS library (JS abstractions)
- NewfDate date picker JS library
- NewfTip tooltip JS library
- NewfComplete autocomplete JS library
- Newadded “settings” to Debug Mode for faster debugging
- Improvedmodernized and refactored front-end JS code
- Improvedremoved jQuery libraries (query-autocomplete, jquery-powertip, etc)
- Improvedcomplete rewrite of fSelect JS library
- Improvedraw data is now sent on AJAX requests (less payload)
- Improvedupdate checks are now made via HTTPS
- Improvedremoved upgrade routines > 3 years old
- ImprovedfSelect – simplified accents/diacritics removal code
- Improvedadd proximity “locate me” to keyboard nav
- February 18, 2021
- Fixeddate picker issue with soft refresh
- FixedfSelect remained open unnecessarily in some cases
- FixedSearchWP – get_search_query() wasn’t showing the keywords in some cases
- Fixedtweaked logic for detecting the currently active facet
- February 2, 2021
- Fixeddate picker – date selection was 1 day off (for certain timezones)
- FixedfSelect – keyboard issue when making an initial selection
- January 26, 2021
- Fixeddate picker – console error due to invalid selector (some browsers)
- Fixeddate picker – the initial month didn’t take min/max ranges into account
- January 18, 2021
- Newbrand new JS date picker! (custom built)
- Newpreparing codebase for the eventual decoupling from jQuery (phase 1 of 3)
- Improvedcode cleanup, removed lots of duplicate filtering code
- Improved“per page” box – omit the dropdown placeholder if the “Default label” setting is empty
- ImprovedfSelect – use strict mode when checking for matches
- Improvedrewrote nummy.js helper lib
- FixedSearchWP – handle the rare case when get( ‘s’ ) is boolean FALSE
- Fixeduser selections box – ignore pager facets
- UpdatednoUiSlider
- December 22, 2020
- ImportantIf using SearchWP, updating to v4 is strongly recommended
- New‘facetwp_preload_force_query’ hook to force FacetWP to modify archive queries
- Improvedrewrite of SearchWP integration (supports highlighting, excerpts, custom sorting, etc)
- Improvedsmarter date range facets (the available range is content-dependent)
- Improvedcode cleanup
- Fixedissue indexing WooCommerce variation attributes
- Fixedset the correct “Per page” value on pageload
- Fixedwhen a selected facet choice is filtered out, remove its “User selections” value
- Updatedtranslations
- December 8, 2020
- Fixedremoved duplicate indexer hook to prevent PHP notices
- December 2, 2020
- Fixedindexer improperly doing full re-index on post save
- December 2, 2020
- NewWP-CLI integration!
- Improvedadded “acf-field” and “acf-field-group” to the query detection blacklist
- FixedfSelect – keep dropdown open when using multiselect
- FixedFacetWP sort when used on WooCommerce archive pages
- Changedtrim slugs over 50 characters (instead of automatically hashing)
- November 10, 2020
- Improvedsupport multiple copies of a facet on a page
- Improvedsimplified indexing of WooCommerce variation attributes
- Improvedset lang => ” on get_terms() for better multilangual support
- Fixedclose active PHP sessions during indexing to prevent progress bar stalling
- Fixedthe “No results found” string should be in the “fwp-front” textdomain
- Fixedignore all EDD hidden fields from the “Data source” dropdown
- October 14, 2020
- ImprovedfSelect styling tweaks
- Improvedadmin UI – only pass Vue the necessary data (faster loading)
- Improvedadmin UI – cleanup of redundant Vue code
- FixedfSelect opacity issue when refreshing
- Fixedlisting builder – only render link “target” when needed
- FixedVue reactivity issue when using the “source_other” field on newly-created facets
- FixedPHP notice when “active_plugins” wp_option doesn’t match plugins (usually caused by DB imports)
- October 2, 2020
- Newlisting builder – added `facetwp_builder_dynamic_tags` hook to create new Dynamic Tags without having to add a hidden item
- Improvedadmin UI – replaced FontAwesome with in-house SVG handling for faster loading
- Fixedquery detection – only intercept the *identical* query (it was too lenient before)
- Fixedrefactored SearchWP integration for FacetWP 3.6+
- Updatedvendor libs (vue, flatpickr, etc)
- September 25, 2020
- Fixedincorrect post types were appearing on home listings
- Fixedre-added `is_archive` to query detection check
- FixedWooCommerce – ensure that `$product` exists before calling its methods
- FixedWooCommerce – apply new tooltip styling to WC admin settings
- Newadded `FWP()->is_filtered` and `FWP()->filtered_post_ids` convenience props
- September 16, 2020
- Fixedmore tweaks to the query detection algorithm (third time’s the charm, right?)
- Fixedhide the WP admin bar during ajax refresh, to prevent rare JSON parsing errors
- September 10, 2020
- FixedFacetWP is improperly overriding queries
- September 8, 2020
- Fixedpager issue on archive pages
- September 4, 2020
- ImprovedFacetWP is now up to 30% faster on archives (category pages, shop pages, etc)
- Improvedsupport WP 5.5+ auto-updates
- ImprovedQuery Builder – URI vars can now be pulled in via special tags (e.g. “http:uri”, “http:uri:0”, or “http:get:year”)
- ImprovedFetch API – include the “parent_id” if available
- Improvedadmin UI – facet / template name appears in tooltip on hover
- Improvedadmin UI – tweaked tooltip display
- Changedadded `facetwp_archive_abort_query` bailout hook
- FixedFetch API – fixed facets in “OR” mode
- Fixedprevent “Only variables should be passed reference” PHP notice (ACF integration)
- August 14, 2020
- Improvedadded “Powered by Google” image to bottom of Proximity dropdown (per guidelines)
- Improvedre-styled “Locate me” and “Search” icons to make them easier to click on mobile
- Improvedsearch facets now show a loading animation
- Improvedlisting builder – don’t display a prefix or suffix if the value is empty
- Improvedrenamed “Backup” tab to “Import / Export” for clarity
- Fixedignore orphans when sorting taxonomy values (prevents PHP notices)
- FixedWP 5.5 requires “permission_callback” for all REST API requests
- Fixeddon’t override existing $_GET vars
- July 30, 2020
- Improvedmore intuitive hierarchical checkboxes (parents will automatically uncheck when a child is checked)
- Improvedadded ARIA labels for dropdown facets
- Improvedextra sanitization to trigger fewer false positives with automated security audits
- FixedPHP notices when `paged` or `posts_per_page` aren’t passed into the API
- FixedItalian translation tweak
- July 7, 2020
- FixedPHP error for some users when Debug Mode is enabled
- Fixedupdated “new ticket” URL to prevent 301 redirect
- July 3, 2020
- Improvedadded `hooks_used`, `row_counts`, and `last_indexed` to the Debug Mode JS output (very helpful when troubleshooting sites)
- Improvedremoved redundant data from the “Show indexer stats” menu
- Improveddoubled the textarea height for “advanced mode” inputs
- Improvedmention `-1` in the “Count” setting tooltip
- Fixedonly intercept the first detected EDD `[ downloads ]` query
- June 11, 2020
- Newadded “Value modifiers” UI setting to include / exclude certain facet choices
- Improvedthe `fetch` API method can now be accessed via `FWP()->api`
- Improvedadded internal facet `render_setting` method (less code duplication)
- FixedPHP notice involving `register_rest_route` in WP 5.4.2
- Changedlisting builder – renamed “Results per row” to “Grid columns”
- May 27, 2020
- Improvedmore SearchWP 4.0 compatibility tweaks
- Improved`facetwp_template_use_archive` hook (for using shortcode templates on archive pages) now supports the global search page
- Fixedpager facet “Load more” now accounts for preloaded vars
- Fixedignore empty $_GET vars (props Jenny)
- May 6, 2020
- Improvedthe facet “Count” setting now accepts `-1`
- Improvedadded $context arg to the `facetwp_facet_sources` hook
- Improvedonly capture FacetWP-related $_GET vars when preloading
- Fixedlisting builder – issue with link tags inheriting the parent element’s border styles
- Fixedthe `facetwp_temp` table doesn’t exist in rare cases
- Fixedtypo preventing payment meta from being accessed correctly
- Fixedadded upgrade routine to fix issue causing the URL prefix to switch unexpectedly from “fwp_” to “_” on older installs
- Fixedadded `IF EXISTS` to `DROP TABLE` clause to prevent MySQL warnings
- Updatedsample.json (for clean installs)
- April 21, 2020
- Improvedrebuilt the plugin updater. It’s now *significantly* faster, and only requires one request to fetch *all* update data (regardless of how many add-ons are installed!)
- Improvedremoved the GitHub dependency for add-on updates
- Improvedadd-on changelogs now appear in the “Plugin Info” modal
- Improvedchanged default URL prefix from “fwp_” to “_”
- Fixedonly run `check_ajax_referer` when necessary (fixes WooCommerce issues)
- April 7, 2020
- Newadded “Default label” setting for Hierarchy facets
- Improvedsupport “Term order” sort for ACF fields
- Improvedswitched proximity lat/long input types from “text” to “hidden”
- Fixedresolved PHP notices involving empty $_GET variables
- Fixedbetter handling of “#” hash links (no longer breaks other plugins)
- Fixedadd-on updater – bust WP plugin cache for better reliability
- March 24, 2020
- Improvedadded support for SearchWP 4.0.0
- Improvedauto-populate $_GET variables for ajax refreshes
- Fixedadded `facetwp_use_bigint` hook for sites with abnormally large IDs
- Fixedprevent the “facetwp-pager” CSS class from being added twice
- Fixedclear the “Source other” setting when switching facet types
- February 21, 2020
- FixedSee 3.5 highlights
- ImportantPHP 5.6+ is required
- ImportantACF 5.0+ is required (if using Advanced Custom Fields)
- ImportantThe WP REST API is required (the deprecated `wp_ajax` fallback was removed)
- Newthe Indexer now uses a temp table to prevent front-end downtime!
- Newadded “Any” option for Radio facets
- Newadded “Copy shortcode” button for templates
- Newadded “Default label” setting to the pager facet (for the “Per page” feature)
- New`FacetWP_Request` class for request handling (and for preload logic)
- ImprovedAdmin UI – better styling of the “Name” field for facets and templates
- ImprovedQuery builder – added “DATE” custom field type, much better date support
- Improvedremoved deprecated `mysql_real_escape_string` fallback for older PHP versions
- Improvedaccessibility.js support for search facet placeholders
- Improvedprevent #hash clicks when FacetWP is in use
- Improvedbetter styling for listing builder “Color” fields
- Improved“pager” and “per_page” shortcodes now use Pager facet logic (DRY principle)
- ImprovedQuery builder – replaced `vue-multiselect` with `vue-select`
- Changedremoved the “Spin” loading animation, improved the default loader (Fade)
- Fixedfiltering error when a pager facet is in use
- Fixedpager facet was breaking the selections shortcode (on pageload)
- Updatedlibs (flatpickr 4.6.3, noUiSlider 14.1.1, SortableJS 1.10.2, Vue 2.6.11, Vue.Draggable 2.23.2)
- Updatedtranslations
- January 14, 2020
- Fixedpager facet showed “1 result” incorrectly
- Fixedpager facet labels are translatable via the `facetwp_i18n` hook
- December 20, 2019
- Improvedaccessibility.js support for `aria-label`
- Improvedaccessibility.js support for the user selections box
- Fixedreverted search facet `readonly` during refresh (and increased auto-refresh delay from 250ms to 500ms)
- November 20, 2019
- Newpager facet type – create pagination, result counts, a “load more” button, or a “per page” box all within the admin UI
- Newadded `now` and `today` placeholders to the Query Builder
- Newadded “Featured” data source (WooCommerce)
- Improvedadjusted admin UI styling to more closely match WordPress 5.3
- Fixedpreserve proper order when using a search facet
- Fixedremove count from Dropdown user selection labels
- UpdatednoUiSlider and jQuery Autocomplete
- Updatedtranslation sources
- November 6, 2019
- Improvedadmin UI tweaks
- Fixeddisable slider handles momentarily during refresh (prevents excess ajax calls)
- Fixeddisable search facet momentarily during refresh
- October 1, 2019
- Newadded 3 listing builder dynamic tags: `{{ post:id }}`, `{{ post:name }}`, and `{{ post:url }}`
- Improvedonly autoload the necessary FacetWP wp_options
- Fixedissue with resetting slider values
- Fixed“Stop indexer” button now works properly
- September 10, 2019
- Fixedrevert “Term order” change due to weirdness with WooCommerce sorting
- Fixednummy.js – use log() instead of log10() because IE sucks
- Fixedlisting builder – properly handle ACF single-selects
- August 23, 2019
- Improvedrefactored listing builder ACF support
- Improvedbetter admin UI support for code-based facets / templates
- Improvedcode-based facets / templates aren’t saved to the DB unless explicitly “unlocked” via the UI
- Improvedbetter `json_encode()` handling of invalid UTF-8 characters for sites on PHP 7.2+
- ImprovedFWP.reset() now accepts a string, array, or object
- Fixedautocomplete input type changed to `text` to fix cross-browser inconsistencies
- FixedUser selections feature was incorrectly resetting an entire facet
- Fixeddisplay issue with hierarchical checkboxes having “Show expanded” enabled
- Fixedexplicitly set “orderby” => “term_order” when a facet is sorted by Term Order
- UpdatedFontAwesome 5.10.1
- August 9, 2019
- New`facetwp_load_a11y` hook to enable accessibility support
- New`facetwp_woocommerce_support_categories_display` hook to render facets on WooCommerce product category display pages (experimental)
- NewProximity – `facetwp/geolocation/success` and `facetwp/geolocation/error` JS hooks to get the status of geolocation requests
- Improvedlisting builder – better ACF support
- Improved`FWP.reset()` can now reset all facets, a single facet, or an array of facets
- ImprovedAdmin – prevent loading image size “crop” values to prevent extra queries
- Improvedprevent the `facetwp_settings_last_index` wp_option from being autoloaded
- Improvedrefactored `nummy.js` (JS number formatter) to support bigger values
- FixedQuery builder – width issue for the post type selector box
- Fixedprevent the WP GDPR plugin from breaking things
- Fixedwrong Spanish translation
- Updatedflatpickr 4.6.2
- July 16, 2019
- Fixedfiltering bug introduced in 3.3.10 (sorry about that!)
- July 15, 2019
- Improvedstore post IDs into a keyed array for faster lookups (isset vs. in_array)
- FixedWooCommerce 3.6.x doesn’t load front-end includes for REST API calls (problematic since FacetWP uses the REST API for ajax refreshes). We’re now force-loading these includes.
- Fixeddisable WC’s “redirect to single result page” feature if FWP variables are detected
- June 7, 2019
- Fixedreverted javascript `createNodeIterator` tweak from 3.3.8 (was breaking IE)
- Fixedchanged fSelect search input’s type to “text” to disable the browser-specific “x” button
- Fixedadmin UI – drag-and-drop was occasionally placing items in the wrong spot
- FixedWooCommerce – a custom query was accidentally using a hard-coded table prefix
- May 30, 2019
- Newsupport ACF “page link” field type
- Improveduse a custom query to significantly speed up indexing of WC products
- Improvedadmin UI – show the facet / template name on hover
- Fixedautocomplete choices not appearing in the User Selections box
- Fixedonly show autocomplete choices relevant to the current result set
- Changedremoved the fallback `wp_doing_ajax` function
- Changedremoved the SEO pager
- Updateddependencies
- May 14, 2019
- Improvedautocomplete – ignore the current facet’s selection
- Improvedlisting builder – items can now be dragged across columns
- Improvedadmin – better delete button placement
- Fixedprevent WooCommerce from redirecting to single result page when FacetWP is in use
- Updatedjavascript libs (Sortable, fSelect, vue-multiselect, vuedraggable)
- April 24, 2019
- Improvedspeed up WooCommerce integration by replacing slow `array_merge` calls
- Improvedlisting builder – WooCommerce price fields can be formatted
- Fixedadmin UI – clear the “Source” column for search facets
- March 26, 2019
- Fixederror preventing templates from appearing in the admin UI
- March 26, 2019
- Newrevamped admin UI (thanks for all the feedback!)
- Changedmoved the `facetwp_indexer_row_data` hook slightly
- UpdatedJS deps (fSelect, noUiSlider, vue, Sortable, vuedraggable)
- Updatedtranslation sources
- March 14, 2019
- Improvedlisting builder – added “Clear” button to color picker fields
- FixedSearch facets – prefix SearchWP engines with “swp_” to prevent conflicts with custom engines
- Fixedautocomplete facets now work properly when using single quotes and percent signs
- Fixedon pageload, ignore empty facet URL variables
- Fixedminor translation tweaks
- February 27, 2019
- New`FWP()->helper->get_facets_by()` method
- New`facetwp_woocommerce_preserve_sort` hook
- Newadded `post_id_idx` table index for faster lookups
- Improvedremoved the `facet_source` table column (more efficiency)
- Fixedquote CSS `url()` paths to fix rare IE issues
- Fixedreverted number auto-formatting from 3.3.1
- Fixedlisting builder – fail gracefully on invalid WC products
- February 14, 2019
- Improvedbetter Slider facet styling
- Improvedauto-format slider / number range values
- Improvedreduce the “Debug Mode” response payload by trimming the post IDs
- Improvedbetter logic within `FWP()->helper->load_settings()`
- Improvedset default loading animation to “fade”
- Improvedignore invalid facet types
- Improvedswitched to new logo
- Fixedadded `nopaging` var to prevent query offset issues
- Fixedtranslate ACF “Yes” and “No” labels
- UpdatedVue (2.6.6)
- UpdatednoUiSlider (13.1.0)
- UpdatedjQuery-autocomplete (1.4.9)
- UpdatedFontAwesome (5.7.2)
- January 24, 2018
- Improvedlisting builder – rearranged settings for easier access
- Improvedlisting builder – better color picker
- Improvedlisting builder – `{{magic}}` tags within HTML items are more lenient w/ spaces
- ImprovedQuery builder – filter/sort dropdowns now use fSelect (searchable!)
- Improvedbetter handling of custom queries using the `no_found_rows` var
- Improvedsearch facets using SearchWP now support attachments
- Improvedhide “_” prefixed ACF fields (since they only contain field references)
- ImprovedUpdated `accessibility.js` to add ARIA support for checkbox toggle links
- Fixedreverted ACF changes to fix issue with ACF fields + “Source other”
- Fixeddisable browser autofill for Proximity facets
- FixedDutch translation tweaks
- UpdatedfSelect.js
- January 8, 2018
- Improvedadded depth classes (d0, d1, etc) to fSelect choices
- Improvedonly perform add-on update checks if FacetWP has an active license
- ImprovedACF integration now uses the `facetwp_indexer_row_data` hook
- Improvedadded `fs:opened` event to fSelects
- Fixedcustom translations can be added to `wp-content/languages/plugins/fwp-front-[LANG].mo`
- Fixedissue with “Source other” not toggling other facet settings
- FixedDutch translations
- UpdatedjQuery Minicolors
- Updatedtranslation sources
- December 5, 2018
- Importantrenamed `wp.hooks` to `FWP.hooks` due to conflicts with WP 5.0
- ImportantThis is a breaking change. Please see the related blog post
- December 4, 2018
- ChangedFacetWP only ships with translations for front-facing strings
- Changedthe (hidden) SEO pager is now disabled by default
- New`facetwp_indexer_complete` action hook
- Fixedoverride WooCommerce sort with FacetWP sort when in use (props @djrmom)
- Fixedextra sanitization for SEO pager URLs
- Fixedpreserve sequential order of facets + templates (fixed Vue error)
- Fixedexit gracefully for PHP 5.3 and below
- November 14, 2018
- ImportantFacetWP now requires PHP 5.4 or above
- Improvedlisting builder – make the “+ new item” box always visible (props @givewp)
- Improvedadded ARIA support for pager links (accessibility.js)
- Fixedwhen no results, facets in “OR” mode should be empty
- Fixedlisting builder – make sure date / number fields aren’t empty
- Fixedlisting builder – properly display WooCommerce fields
- Fixedmuch cleaner WC product sort handling
- Fixedissue when a Beaver Builder Post Grid module is below another module
- Updatedtranslation sources
- October 31, 2018
- Improvedrebuilt the proximity autocomplete
- Improvedproximity facets include built-in throttling (fewer GMaps API calls)
- Improvedbetter handling of WooCommerce sorting (props @djrmom)
- Improvedbetter handling of code-based facets + templates
- ImprovedfSelect search now supports accents
- UpdatednoUiSlider 12.1.0
- October 12, 2018
- Improvedlisting builder – dynamically list all image sizes
- Improvedlisting builder – attach title tags to all action buttons
- ImprovedIndexer – ensure that posts referenced in ACF relationship fields actually exist
- Updatedtranslation sources
- September 18, 2018
- Improvedability to see raw Query Builder arguments
- Improvedremove empty Query Builder arguments
- Improveduse DECIMAL for better Query Builder number comparison
- FixedWooCommerce sort box wasn’t sorting properly
- Fixedtranslate date range “from” and “to” text
- August 28, 2018
- Improvedadded “No results found” text for fSelect facets
- ImprovedData Source dropdown has more horizontal space
- Improvedcustom shortcode atts can be accessed via `FWP()->display->shortcode_atts`
- Improvedupdated vendor assets (Vue, noUiSlider, Font Awesome, etc)
- Fixedissues with GitHub Updater Lite (add-on update notifications)
- August 8, 2018
- Improvedadded “!=” operator to the Query Builder
- Improvedbetter support for custom Query Builder data sources
- ImprovedWooCommerce “price” fields now support variable products
- Changedremoved admin notices
- Updatedtranslations
- July 20, 2018
- New`facetwp_asset_html` hook for customizing an asset’s HTML tag
- Improvedlisting builder – automatically attempt to display array values
- Improvedlisting builder – force 1-column layout for mobile (<= 480px)
- Improvedlisting builder – added CSS classes to taxonomy terms
- Improvedlisting builder – better support for Post Excerpt and Post Content
- Fixed“Purchase ID” not passed into new support tickets
- June 26, 2018
- Improvedmake all data sources (WooCommerce, ACF, etc) available in query builder
- ImprovedfSelect now supports on non-facet elements
- Fixedissue with query builder and “EXISTS” or “NOT EXISTS”
- Fixedname field input backwards (or sdrawkcab)
- Fixedstar rating now uses HTML equivalent of ★
- Fixedprevent `FWP()->ajax->query_vars` PHP notice
- June 12, 2018
- Improvedaccessibility.js support for selections shortcode
- Improvedclear updater cache upon license activation
- Fixeddate_range issue when Fields to show = “Exact” and Compare type = “Enclose”
- Fixednumber_range logic fixes
- Fixed“Fields to show” setting not saving for range facets
- Fixed“Source other” setting not saving properly
- FixedWooCommerce settings issue
- Fixedstar rating labels weren’t translatable
- Updatedtranslations
- May 30, 2018
- Importantplease update these add-ons: [Bookings, Hierarchy Select, Range List]
- Newlisting builder! Visually create result listings + grids
- Newvastly improved Query Builder for choosing which content to display
- Newadmin is now powered by Vue.js (please let us know if you run into any issues w/ custom facet types)
- New`facetwp_builder_item_value` hook to set a custom item value
- New`facetwp_use_pager_seo` hook to optionally disable the SEO pager
- Newre-index actions: show indexer stats, show indexable post types, purge the index table
- Newthe indexer can be stopped via the admin UI
- Improvedswitched WooCommerce settings from dropdowns to on/off toggles
- Improvedsimplified search facets (removed the confusing “x” icon)
- Improvedexplicitly set radio facets to “OR” mode
- Improvedtrim extra spaces from the Google Maps API key
- Improvedshortened updater cache to 4 hours
- Improvedthe facet “Other data source” setting uses fSelect too
- Improvedcleaner, brighter admin UI design
- Updatedsample data (sample.json)
- Updatedflatpickr 4.5.0
- April 26, 2018
- NewStar Rating facet type
- NewSEO-friendly pagination (for shortcode templates)
- New“Fields to show” setting for number_range facets
- New“Enclose” compare type for number_range facets
- New`facetwp_pager_args` hook to support custom pager offsets
- Improvedreplaced many admin dropdowns with UI toggles
- Improvedcomparison logic for number_range / date_range facets
- Improvedautomatically ignore certain post types (edd_wish_list, carts, etc)
- Improvedbetter error handling when saving FWP settings
- Improvedallow checkbox expand / collapse links to contain HTML
- Improvedauto-refresh when an autocomplete selection is made
- Improvedmore specific CSS selectors
- Improvedmoved facet admin_scripts() into `js/src/admin-facets.js`
- Improvedmoved facet “OR” mode logic into `FacetWP_Facet` (base class)
- FixedfSelect keyboard navigation issues
- Fixedissue with “Show ghosts” when no results are found
- Fixeddate_range Catalan translation issue
- Updatedtranslations
- March 28, 2018
- ChangedWP / FWP versions are now sent on update checks. This lets us know when to deprecate code. See the stats page »
- Improvedautomatically support the `facetwp` query arg
- Fixedissue with autocomplete facets on WP page templates (props neuralab)
- Updatedflatpickr 4.4.3
- March 16, 2018
- New`facetwp_acf_object_id` hook (to support the User Post Type plugin)
- Changedbumped the GitHub Updater version to WP 4.7
- FixedfSelect query bug when there’s no initial results
- March 8, 2018
- Improved“fade” is now the default loading animation
- Fixeddon’t overwrite custom “post__in” query arg
- FixedfSelects would freeze when `FWP.auto_refresh` = false
- Fixedpreserve `FWP.settings.num_choices` when paging
- Fixedautocomplete issue with CSS-based templates (props @mdorchain)
- February 20, 2018
- Improvedslider facets are now supported for `FWP.settings.num_choices`
- Improvedre-initialize autocomplete facets only when needed
- Improvedstore unfiltered IDs unconditionally
- Fixeduser selections feature was sometimes resetting everything
- Fixedissue with “Show ghosts” setting
- Fixedautocomplete facets not returning results (or triggering a 500 error)
- Fixedpreload_vars not being passed on pageload
- Updatedflatpickr (again)
- February 9, 2018
- Importantplease update the `Map Facet` add-on
- New“Show ghosts” setting for fSelect facets
- Improvedprevent unnecessary “Show ghosts” query when results are unfiltered
- Improvedadded “facet_value” parameter to FWP.reset()
- Improvedsupport for multiple proximity facets on a page
- ImprovedJS cleanup and optimizations
- Fixedsanitize term slug within `edited_term` hook (for Hebrew)
- FixedFWP.reset() issue with certain facet types (slider, map facet)
- FixedfSelects in “OR” mode lose selections when filtered then reverted
- UpdatedCatalan translations (props Jonathan Pasquier)
- UpdatednoUiSlider, jQuery-autocomplete, flatpickr
- Updatedtranslations
- January 24, 2018
- Importantplease update the following add-ons: [Alpha, Map Facet, Time Since]
- New`facetwp/ajax_settings` JS hook (to tweak ajax settings)
- New`facetwp/set_options/autocomplete` JS hook (to tweak autocomplete requests)
- Improvedautomatic formatting of number range inputs
- Fixedsearch facet auto-refresh issue
- Fixedissue with Listable + fSelect facets
- FixedNorwegian translation
- January 4, 2018
- Newproximity facets now support a radius slider (HTML5 range input)
- Newsearch facets now have an “Auto refresh” setting
- Improvedmodified the `facetwp_index` table structure for greater efficiency
- Improvedsmarter autocomplete search (show only relevant choices)
- Improved(hierarhical checkboxes) automatically expand children if a parent choice is selected
- Improvedfacet type registration has moved to `FWP()->helper->get_facet_types()`
- Improveduse `wp_send_json` when possible (props @mgratch)
- Improvedfreeze fSelect choices during a refresh
- FixedfSelect choices incorrect when in “AND” mode
- Fixedslider rendered incorrectly when using back/forward buttons
- Fixedhide the “Soft limit” setting for hierarchical checkboxes
- Updatedto flatpickr v4
- Updatedtranslations
- December 11, 2017
- Newthe “Re-index” button will glow when re-indexing is needed
- Newadded “Copy shortcode” button
- Improvedminified main front scripts
- ImprovedfSelect styling (wrap long choice labels)
- Tweakswitched SWP_Query argument from “load_posts” to “fields”
- November 20, 2017
- Newsupport for ACF5 Group fields
- Fixedissue with commas within search / autocomplete facets
- FixedPHP notice for hierarchy facets
- Fixedoutput the “fwp-loop” tag only if wp_head() has run (props Justin @ Beaver Builder)
- Fixedignore queries with “suppress_filters” = true
- Updatedtranslations
- November 1, 2017
- FixedSQL issue caused by WP 4.8.3
- FixedUnable to open fSelects on mobile
- October 30, 2017
- Newadded `facetwp_api_output` hook
- Newadded `facetwp/set_options/fselect` JS hook
- Improvedone less query for slider facets
- ImprovedQuery Builder styling tweaks
- FixedfSelect iPhone fix
- Fixedignore feeds when doing query auto-detection
- FixedPHP notice for the `facetwp/v1/fetch` API endpoint
- October 4, 2017
- Improvedcache duplicate queries for even faster loading
- Fixed`FWP.settings.debug` was undefined in some scenarios
- Fixedissue with browser bfcache (back/forward cache)
- Fixedincorrect counts for some preloaded facets
- September 28, 2017
- Newfacets now load instantly on pageload (because magic)
- Newfacet choices can now be sorted by `Term Order`
- New`facetwp_preload_url_vars` hook for better facet pre-select
- NewWooCommerce “Product Type” data source
- Newfacet base class (`FacetWP_Facet`) with a get_orderby() method
- Improvedfail gracefully if an invalid post ID is passed to the indexer
- ImprovedfSelect counts are now within a `.facetwp-counter` span
- Improvedextra javascript error handling
- Changed`FacetWP_Facet` class renamed to `FacetWP_Renderer`
- September 12, 2017
- Improvedreset individual facets using `FWP.reset(‘facet_name’)`
- Improved`FWP.reset()` also clears the sort box
- Improvedsupport `FACETWP_LICENSE_KEY` constant
- Improvedlogic tweak for date range facets with 2 sources + “Exact” mode
- August 23, 2017
- Fixedrevert facet auto-detect on taxonomy archives (due to some edge cases)
- Fixed`is_main_query` detection should ignore /wp-admin/ queries
- Fixedpermalink issue with “_” URL prefix
- August 18, 2017
- Newrebuilt admin UI
- Newsupport for custom URL prefixes
- Newadded fSelect “Hierarchical” setting
- Improvedhookable admin settings screen
- ImprovedfSelect auto-refresh on each selection (when multi-select)
- Improvedcache update checks (transients stink)
- Improvedon taxonomy archive pages, taxonomy facets should show only children of the current term
- Improvedsupport for “Other data source” setting with ACF date_picker fields
- Improvedsupport more date range scenarios (e.g. 2 data sources using “Exact” display)
- Improvedproximity “Clear location” setting is now translatable
- Improved“No results found” text is now translatable
- Fixedproximity issue preventing exact matches from showing
- Fixedincorrect argument order with `facetwp/save/{facet_type}` JS hook
- FixedfSelect IE11 selection issue
- UpdatednoUiSlider
- Updatedflatpickr
- Updatedtranslations
See also