Back up or move facets and listing templates
FacetWP has a built-in Import / Export tool that allows you to back up or clone facets and listing templates (made with the Listing Builder), and their settings.
This tool can also be used to move facets and listing templates between sites.
Another application is to export facet- and listing settings to be used in the facetwp_facets and facetwp_templates hooks, with which it is possible to register facets and listings programmatically.
Back up / export facets or listing templates
- Browse to Settings > FacetWP > Settings and click the Import / Export tab.
- Select the desired facet(s) and/or listing template(s), then click the “Export” button.
- Code will appear in the text area box. Copy the code, and paste it into a plain text file to back it up. You can later import the code back with the import function.
Import facets or listing templates
- Browse to Settings > FacetWP > Settings and click the Import / Export tab.
- Paste the previously backed-up code into the code field.
- If you want to overwrite existing facets and listing templates, and their settings, click the “Overwrite existing items?” checkbox.
- Click the “Import” button.
- After the page refreshes, your imported facet(s) or listing template(s) will appear in the Facets or Listings overview.
Clone facets or listing templates
In FacetWP v4.0 a new feature was introduced to easily clone/duplicate facets or listing templates, including all their settings.
If you are using an older version, you can still use the Import / Export tool to duplicate:
- Browse to Settings > FacetWP > Settings and click the Import / Export tab.
- Select the desired facet(s) and/or listing template(s), then click the “Export” button.
- Code will appear in the text area box. Change the
values to something else:
- Click the “Import” button.
- After the page refreshes, your newly cloned facet(s) or listing template(s) will appear in the Facets or Listings overview.