After your purchase, you’ll receive a download link and license key, and access to your account.

To install FacetWP, upload the ZIP file into Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin, or manually extract the plugin folder into /wp-content/plugins/.

License key activation

How to activate your license key.
How to activate your license key.

To activate the plugin, browse to Settings > FacetWP > Settings > General, fill in the “License key” field, then click the “Activate” button.

Activate in wp-config.php or functions.php

If you prefer to keep your license key in code, you can add it to wp-config.php:

How to use custom PHP code?

PHP code can be added to your (child) theme's functions.php file. Alternatively, you can use the Custom Hooks add-on, or a code snippets plugin. More info

define( 'FACETWP_LICENSE_KEY', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' );

Or, add it in your (child) theme’s functions.php:

How to use custom PHP code?

PHP code can be added to your (child) theme's functions.php file. Alternatively, you can use the Custom Hooks add-on, or a code snippets plugin. More info

add_filter( 'facetwp_license_key', function( $license_key ) { return 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; });

If you already activated your license key manually first, follow these steps to switch:

How to switch the license key activation method

To switch from using a manually entered license key to a license key set in wp-config.php or functions.php, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > FacetWP > Settings > General.
  2. Remove the key from the license key field, then click the “Activate” button.
  3. Below the field will be the message “The license does not exist”, and the Support tab (after a page reload) will display “Active License Required”.​​​​
  4. Add your key​ to your wp-config.php or functions.php, as explained above.
  5. Reload the FacetWP Settings page. Now you’ll see the key in the License key field. If you added it in wp-config.php, it will be greyed out.
  6. Click the “Activate” button.

In a WordPress multi-site setup, this procedure is the same, except you’ll have to do this for each sub-site, also if you use Network Activation.

License keys and multi-site

If you are using FacetWP in a WordPress multi-site setup, be aware that you have to activate your license key for each sub-site individually, also if FacetWP is Network Activated.

Also note that each sub-site counts against your license’s site limit.

License key restrictions

Depending on your license type, you can use your license key on up to 3 or 20 live sites.

You are also allowed to use it on as many local, development or staging sites as needed. Your account shows an overview of all live and local/development/staging sites that are currently using your license key(s). If you have any sites that are listed here as live sites, but are actually staging sites, let us know.

If you are using FacetWP in a WordPress multi-site setup, each sub-site counts against your license’s site limit.

How to remove a site’s license

If you want to manually de-activate a license key on one of your sites, make sure the site does not make update checks to our server anymore. You can do that by doing one of the following:

  • De-activate FacetWP.
  • Go to Settings > General, then clear the “License key” field and click the “Activate” button.

Once the update checks stop, the site will get removed from your account in a week or two.

You can also block any site from using a license key in your account: log into your account and scroll to the bottom. Note that a site will only appear here if it has recently made an update check.

Hide the license key setting

If you want to hide the license key setting, for example, to prevent other admin users from copying or re-using it, you can add the following to your (child) theme’s functions.php:

How to use custom PHP code?

PHP code can be added to your (child) theme's functions.php file. Alternatively, you can use the Custom Hooks add-on, or a code snippets plugin. More info

add_filter( 'facetwp_settings_admin', function( $settings ) { unset( $settings['general']['fields']['license_key'] ); return $settings; });

Your account

After your purchase, you get access to your account, where you can view your license details and purchase history, and where you can generate and download invoices for every purchase you made.

You can also download the latest plugin version and all add-ons.

The account page also shows an overview of all live and local/development/staging sites that are using your license key(s), and you can block sites from using a key.

Generate an invoice

How to change the billing details on your invoice.
How to change the billing details on your invoice.

To generate and download your invoice, first log into your account.

If you want to customize the billing details on the invoice, don’t use an access token to log in. Log in with your username and password, because otherwise the “Update” button, as shown in the image on the right, will not be visible.

In your Purchase history, click the “View Invoice” link on the right of the purchase you want to generate an invoice for. This will take you to the invoice, which you can print or download as a PDF with the buttons at the bottom.

To customize the billing details, for example to add a company name, a billing address, or a tax/VAT number, click on the “Update” button in the “Invoice To” section, add your details, and click the “Save Billing Details & Generate Invoice” button.


By default, your license will auto-renew after 1 year. We offer a 20% renewal discount on the normal price.

If you’d like to cancel your subscription, log into your account, scroll to the Subscriptions section and click the “Cancel” button beside the active subscription.

To manually renew, enter your existing license key into the “Discount” box during checkout. If it’s a valid license key, it should then apply the discount to the total. Make sure that your license doesn’t already have an active subscription.

A manual renewal will add 1 year to the expiration date. If the license has expired, the new expiration date will be 1 year from the renewal purchase date.

Updating your payment info

Credit Card: To update your payment info, you’ll first need to log in with your username and password at Your username is your account email.

Once logged in, you’ll be redirected to your Account page. Scroll down to the “Subscriptions” section and you should see an “Update payment details” link.

PayPal: To change your funding source, you’ll need to do so directly from the website.

Plugin updates

As long as your license is active, FacetWP will automatically notify you when new updates are available.

When your license expires, FacetWP will continue to work, but you will no longer receive plugin updates or support.

Solving plugin update issues

Using “Check again” in Dashboard > Updates to force-check for plugin and WordPress updates.

If updates aren’t appearing, click “Activate” within Settings > FacetWP > Settings, then click “Check again” within Dashboard > Updates. This clears WP’s updater cache and force-checks for plugin and WordPress updates.

If that doesn’t resolve the issue, check the following:

  • Clear all caching and optimization plugins (WP Total Cache, WP Rocket, WP Super Cache, Autoptimize, etc).
  • Some hosts (Pagely, WP Engine, Siteground, Flywheel, etc) and services (Cloudflare) provide server-side caching that may also need to be cleared.

Note that if you are using FacetWP in a WordPress multi-site setup, the update notifications only appear in: My Sites > Network Admin > Plugins.

Updating from (very) old versions

If you experience (fatal) PHP errors when updating from (very) old plugin versions, try deleting the plugin folder entirely (locally and on your server), then add the new version and upload it.

We’ve specifically seen updating errors with versions older than v3.8 (2021).

Disable the admin notices to install add-on integrations

Since version 4.1.8 FacetWP displays admin notices when you have certain plugins installed and the necessary integration add-ons are missing.

These notices were added because many users are unaware of the fact that some plugins do not work with FacetWP unless the related add-on is installed. For example, WPML needs the Multilingual add-on installed to work with FacetWP.

There are certain situations however in which you don’t need the integration add-ons. In these cases you can permanently disable these notices by adding the following code to your (child) theme’s functions.php or the Custom Hooks add-on:

How to use custom PHP code?

PHP code can be added to your (child) theme's functions.php file. Alternatively, you can use the Custom Hooks add-on, or a code snippets plugin. More info

add_filter( 'facetwp_dismiss_notices', '__return_true' );

See also

Last updated: September 10, 2024