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Although FacetWP doesn’t officially support Breakdance, integration for Loop elements is included in Breakdance core.

Please contact the Breakdance team with any questions or issues.

Enable FacetWP for Loop elements

FacetWP can be enabled on Breakdance Post Loop Builder, Post List, Products List, and Shop Page elements.

To enable FacetWP for your Loop element, select it, scroll to the FacetWP section at the bottom of the settings pane, and enable FacetWP. Note that FacetWP only supports one FacetWP-enabled Loop element per page.

Next, create one or more facets in FacetWP’s settings, then add them to the page with Breakdance’s FacetWP Facet element, or with a shortcode. The facets themselves will not appear in Breakdance, they will only display on the front end.

Using pagination

When FacetWP is enabled, Breakdance’s default pagination on the Loop element is disabled. To use pagination, add a Pager facet above or below your Loop element.

See also

Last updated: August 6, 2024